Pilot Behavioral Model Demonstration for SH-60 and DDG-79
Approach Sequence:
1. Inbound at 80 kias, 400 ft Radar Altitude,
2. Begin descent upon intercepting SGSI glideslope at 1.2 nm,
3. At 1.0 nm decelerate to 70 kias, 3/4 nm to 55 kias, 1/2 nm to 50 kias,
4. Between 1/2 and 1/4 nm transition to 30 kt closure rate,
5. Transition to hover at xx ft behind landing spot,
6. After x sec move over landing spot and maintain eye height at HRS light bar,
After x sec land on deck, and lower collective.
Departure Sequence:
1. Takeoff and hover at HRS light bar height over landing spot,
2. Backup SGSI path to point behind ship,
3. Pedal turn to port 30 deg,
4. Accelerate and climb out.